This tutorial is for a spigot server, please consider this tutorial if you need to set it up on a Bungeecord Network.
Required plugins:
A Vote Listener
To set up votifier on your spigot server, just follow these steps.
First, download the latest version of NuVotifier and upload it to the plugins director of your server.
(NuVotifier is a fork of Votifier, it can be found here:
Next, restart your server for the generation of the configuration files
Then, open your plugins folder under which a folder named Votifier should be created.
Inside the Votifier folder, there will be a config.yml file and a rsa foler, open the config.yml.
- Now, edit the following values in your configuration file:
port: A open port assigned to your server (Create a ticket for a port to be assigned to your server)
Finally, restart your server. If the plugin is able to bind to the port a message will appear in the console.
Now that you are finished setting up NuVotifier, you must install a Vote listener on your server to give rewards to your players.
In this example, we will be using VotingPlugin. Install the version that matches your server version and restart your server for the configuration files to be generated.
Now, navigate your way to the VotingPlugin folder under the plugins folder.
Next, configure the rewards and settings to your liking.
Then, save the configuration files and restart the server.
After setting up everything you can do a test run using a Votifier tester.
In this tutorial, we will be using MCTools. Open the website in your browser.
- Now, navigate to the votifier tester section and fill out the following details:
- Minecraft Username: {Your MC Username}
- IP address/Hostname: {Your server IP address}
- Port: {The port you assigned in your Votifier configuration file}
- Public Key: {Navigate to /plugins/Votifier/rsa/public.key and paste the key here}
- Minecraft Username: {Your MC Username}
Lastly, click on Send Test Vote. You should receive your rewards if everything was done correctly.
If you face any issues, contact the support team by creating a support ticket.